Eno Web Project Hero Image - Benji Goossen Design

Eno Web Project

  • Job Type: Client | Agency

  • Client: Eno Hammocks

  • Deliverables: Shopify E-commerce Website

  • Position: Frontend Designer

  • Team: Ken McClary, Thomas Mulcahy, Cassie Pierson & Yoon Kim

Eno hammocks has been leading the lightweight parachute hammock industry, but their e-comm site has since been outpaced by rookie brands running on newer technology. Eno’s old site was based on a Magento and WordPress hybrid which would break often and severely need an overhaul.

That’s where our team stepped in to create a mobile-first site, on an accessible platform, using industry best web practices. This process took about 6 months, starting with discovery, concepts, design, development, followed by a site warranty and maintenance period.

I joined two of my teammates to create three design concepts, allowing the client to pick and choose their favorite elements and systems that would make it to the next revision. After the initial round, I led the charge on the final home page, category page, lifestyle page, and menu design on weekly screen shares, landing on a final mockup that was sent into development. 

Below you will find pieces from my web concept submitted during the first round. 

Eno Web project - Mobile Wireframe sketches
Eno Web project - Home Page
Eno Web project - Product Page

Visit the final site here: